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Welcome To My Portfolio

Here is what I've done and what I've been doing as a social media marker, content creator, and SEO blog writer. Please click on the pictures if you want to see the details.


YouTube and TikTok marketer / Blog writer

I'm responsible for planning, shooting, editing, and analyzing YouTube/TikTok videos. I was also writing blog articles on their website focusing on SEO. 



Content Creator and Marketer on TikTok 

Doing street interviews in Vancouver for English learners and people who are interested in Canadian culture.


Representative and Marketing Coordinator

I started a small business, VanPhoto, which is a portrait photography service for people who are pursuing a new life in Vancouver. 

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Instagram Management for a local company

Working for a Japanese meal-kit delivery business.

I'm responsible for Social media marketing, specifically Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.


Personal Blog

Writing Blog Content / SEO

Writing articles about tips and practical information about living in Vancouver for future Japanese international students.
​Some of my content shows up on top 5 on Google.

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Shared interesting content putting Japanese translation.
I got 95K followers and learned TikTok marketing.

◎Skills / Expertise

 Social Media Marketing (YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, and X)
 Content Marketing (Video Direction, Strategy planning, shooting, editing)
 SEO writing (WordPress)
 Design/Editing Softwares (Canva, Adobe Premiere Pro, CapCut, WordPress)

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